Sunday, October 31, 2010

we were in a parade!

This was our first Halloween in our new town and it turned out to be our best one yet, hands down. I gotta say, we kind of love Halloween. I mean, you get to dress up and then people give you candy just for knocking on their doors. What could be better?

We had our 2nd Annual Z-o-ween party, which was much smaller this year but just as much fun. We have cool friends. When we saw people in costumes walking down to the business district a block away, we headed down and joined in the parade. Literally. It was pretty magical - gypsyish violin music, crowds of kids and their adults marching down the street, costumed dogs everywhere, the Giants game on radios all over the place - it couldn't have been better. A and J hit the neighborhood for candy (and toys) and then we came home to find our friends had returned and had brought more friends back. We watched the Giants win, ate more food, then put the kids to bed (all crying from candy overload). So. Much. Fun.

Buster Posey, Cowboy, Flamingo

now listening to: the boogie monster by gnarls barkley via rhapsody

Friday, October 29, 2010

today i learned...

that a) the county bus is always at least 10-minutes late, b) showing up 15-minutes early will not help it come any sooner, c) waiting 35-minutes on a busy street corner with an impatient toddler is not fun for anyone, d) getting trapped head first behind the bus stop bench makes the already impatient toddler even grumpier, and e) playing with the newspaper boxes makes a grumpy toddler happy again.

now listening to: undisclosed desires by muse via rhapsody

important life lessons

Me: J, tell me something you learned in school today.
J: I didn't learn anything. But in Kung Fu I learned how to jump if someone wants to kick you in the privates.

(At least he's learning something in the one place that actually costs money.)

now listening to: radioactive by kings of leon via rhapsody

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Z turned two today. I would say it is hard to believe, but he's been acting like a 2-year old since his last birthday. We celebrated by riding the bus ("dus") to school (the bus being one of his favorite things), watching Curious George with Mr. D, opening presents (the Elmo lunchbox and obnoxious singing camera being his favorites), licking frosting off of three cupcakes, and four screaming, head banging tantrums. A perfect day for a kid who has already mastered being two.

Happy Birthday, Z. We kind of like you. A lot.

now listening to: you can close your eyes by james taylor via rhapsody

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

diet fail

Is it bad that I just ate half an apple pie for lunch?

Oh...and this is the new blog. Welcome.

now listening to: home by edward sharpe & the magnetic zeros via rhapsody