Thursday, November 11, 2010

it's not even december yet...

J already has his Christmas list done and hanging on the fridge. Among the items he's asking for this year are:

- Star Wars sheets
- a Star Wars sticker book
- a Star Wars poster
- an Ugly Doll
- a globe
- a Millennium Falcon that really flies
- and a little penguin statue

(A few thoughts here... a) evidently the Pottery Barn Kids catalog was open while he was writing his list, b) this kid kind of likes Star Wars and c) I have no idea what a "little penguin statue" is.)

J and I were reading "Where's Waldo" tonight ( that something you can actually say you are reading?) when I noticed one of the pictures had Santa in it. I told him he had to think about what to ask Santa for this year. "Well, I already made my list" was the reply. "Yes, but Santa only brings you one thing," I countered. "But I want Santa to bring me everything!" Then the tears came. For 5-minutes. Sigh. We tried to convince him that other people would buy him gifts (hint, hint to any grandparents, aunts or uncles out there) and that Santa had far too many kids to deliver toys to, with a limited amount of space in his sleigh. "But Santa's toy bag is SO big!" How can I argue with that?

Meanwhile, A successfully cleaned her room by throwing everything into her closet and Z had reoccurring meltdowns for 2.5-hours straight, with a small break to tuck Curious George into bed (thereby looking completely adorable and helping us to remember that we actually like him.)

now listening to: i'm yours by jason mraz via rhapsody

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